Calloway | Maternity | 2020

This sweet little family had big plans for their wedding day. Sadly, like many brides to be, the recent pandemic put a damper on their plans.

The morning of their maternity session they eloped! This was truly a day to remember for them.

I met up with them and sweet Bryce to celebrate Tripp, their bundle of joy due to arrive in August. We had patiently been watching the weather all day in hopes the rain would hold out long enough for our golden hour maternity session.


I always love when I get to travel to my hometown - If I could move back I would in a heartbeat. The whole atmosphere is different and I instantly get that “home” comfort when I cross those county lines. Living close enough to go “home” I will forever be grateful for. For this session, we met at one of the beauties that my hometown holds. This beautiful location boasts two ponds, a field with trail, beautiful greenery amongst the steps and sweet little bridges along its beautiful landscape.

Check out some of their sweet session here:


Hunter Turns 7


Wedding at the Pandemic?