DIY Fresh 48 Photo tips

With the weight of COVID-19 weighing heavy in so many areas, my heart especially goes out to the expecting mamas. This should be a time for excitement, preparation, and joy - however, now, in the middle of a world-wide pandemic, there is so much uncertainty surrounding what our births will look like.

During this time, hospitals and other birth facilities have limited visitors and support people who attend births and the mother baby wards. This is leaving a lot of mothers with upset plans for what their births will look like. With the limitation on birth photographers and photographers coming into the hospital post baby’s arrival, I wanted to share some tips to be able to capture some of these precious memories yourself.

📸Take them during the day when there is plenty of window light.

📸TURN OFF the hospital room lights! If you can, use the window light only.

📸Position your baby facing the light coming through the window.

📸Don't shoot towards the window. Yes, move baby near the window but shoot with the window to your side or to your back, but be careful not to block the light coming through.

📸Shoot down, from above or the side of the baby.

📸Get close! That’s where the details are - but make sure those details are still in focus! That fresh skin, tiny fingers and toes are so sweet.

📸Ask your nurse to swaddle the baby for you for some of those sweet wrapped images in their hospital blanket. Those mother baby nurses are the BEST swaddlers!


I can not wait to personally get back into those birth settings to capture those sweet fingers, toes, and noses myself! I am having some serious fresh baby withdraw during this time and truly have realized how much I love what I do.

I hope you mamas are hanging in there! We will make it through this together.

If you were planning on a fresh48 session and now cannot have one due to the pandemic, please reach out! Id love to be able to offer you a studio newborn session at a discounted rate.


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