Lets DOULA this!

So after what seems like years of talking about it, thinking about it, research, doubts, fears, life’s road bumps, and everything else under the sun, I have officially, and finally, registered with StillBirthDay for my Doula certification! Yep - thats right - here I sit, less than 2 weeks postpartum with this sweet babe on my chest, jumping into this new journey ready to make a difference in the lives of moms giving them empowerment into their journey within motherhood - however that may look.


StillBirthDay is a certification organization that focuses on both traditional birth doulas and bereavement doulas. I chose StillBirth Day as my where I would do my doula training back when I was going through my loss with Kohen. During his loss, I really wanted to find meaning in his loss and help myself heal. I also noted the need for bereavement doulas in the Central VA area. Even being as immersed in the birth community, I didn't even think of the use of a bereavement doula during my period after Kohen.


So lets talk about this certification. At the end of the course, I will finish with both my traditional birth doula certification and a bereavement doula certification. For me, based on my journey, it is important to cover both areas as traditional birth and bereavement. Heard of a doula but don’t know what it is? Unsure of what a doula does?

Doula -  “a person trained to provide advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth.” - Merriam Webster

Bereavement Doula - “provide(s) individualized support to families who are experiencing a loss. They provide an intricate understanding of how grief effects people, throughout every stage of loss.” - Beautifully Connected Wellness

Did you know? - Pulled straight from the SBD site!

Doulas supplement medical support to provide the following:

I cant wait to see where this journey takes me! Birth has always had a special place in my heart and I have always wanted to do more in the birth world. Of course I will still always offer my birth photography services, however after this course and certification, I will be adding the doula role into my services. I will have an option for stand alone doula work, stand alone birth photography or a combination of services. Until then…let the studying begin!


Fall Sessions!


Carvalho Girls