Branding Sessions!

What is a branding session?

Small businesses rule the world - ok, well, we’re awesome soooo….we need to be showcased!

A personal branding session is deadicated to taking photos of you doing your thing and being an awesome small business owner. These photos don’t only highlight you, but your brand as well. These are the photos your clients will see on your “about you” section on your website - you know, those photos of you typing away, drinking coffee - yea, thats what i’m talking about.

Why is a branding session important?

These sessions don’t only get to showcase your awesomeness in all that it is, but they can easily take you to the next level of professionalism. This is an amazing tool to have in your pocket! Show off that shot of you responding to emails with a funny story from your brand - use this to connect with the audience. It not only makes you more personable, but makes you approachable as well!

  • Photos are often the first thing your clients see when they go to the website. You want these photos to represent you! Prior to your branding session, we will chat a bit about you, your brand, and what you want to represent. This is how we will set the feeling and surroundings for your session. *Make an AMAZING first impression*

  • Your clients…yea they want to know YOU! Lets have some fun shots of you doing your thing! We can do the traditional headshot, but adding some mixed posed shots of you rocking your brand in some way helps make you relatable.

Check out some of the branding session I had with Emily Rymer, a local realtor for the Lynchburg and surrounding areas. You can find her on FB here!

You want to be recognizable to where someone sees you or your brand and instantly knows who you are/what your brand is about. Build that brand! You want to become recognizable within your logos, labels, style, etc. A branding session incorporates you into your brand in just this manner.


Put your face with your business. Make an awesome first impression. Connect with your clients. Grow your empire. YOU GOT THIS.


Help Wanted - Brand Ambassadors!


Rainbow Baby Program