Rainbow Baby Program

KDP is launching the Rainbow Baby Program this month!

As some may know, rainbow babies are close to my heart as my last child, Theo, is a rainbow baby. I wanted to do something to honor those rainbow babies and those lost before them. I chose to release this program in September as it marks one year since the loss of our son Kohen and he and his baby brother Theo are my inspiration for this program. 1 in 4 women suffer from miscarriages. I am 1 in 4.

My own personal rainbow baby - Theodore James Dodgion aka baby “Theo”

My own personal rainbow baby - Theodore James Dodgion aka baby “Theo”

What is a rainbow baby? A rainbow baby is often a term used to describe a pregnancy after loss. This can be a loss from miscarriage, still birth, infant loss, etc.

So, whats this rainbow baby program? Each month, I will be donating one newborn session to a rainbow family. They will receive 5 edited images included with their session*

How will I choose these families? I wanted to give every rainbow family a chance to participate in this project in some way. To be considered to be the rainbow family of the month, families will fill out this form (https://forms.gle/uExFKu2ifQcUtgZKA). From this I will select one family.

What if i’m not selected? Everyone who is not selected will have the opportunity to participate in the rainbow families blog portion where they can tell the story of their family and remember their little one. Anyone who is not selected will receive an email with special offer on a newborn session booked with KDP.


*parents participating in the rainbow baby program will have the opportunity to purchase additional imagery and/or the full gallery from their session.


Branding Sessions!


Fall Sessions!